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3D printed replica of the Mars Perseverance Rover

By HowToMechatronics

This amazing replica features a rocker-bogie suspension just like in the real rover, which allows the rover to run smoothly on uneven terrain and climb obstacles while keeping all six wheels in contact with the ground all time. The brain of this DIY Mars Rover is an Arduino MEGA board, that controls 6 independent DC motors and 4 servo motors for the steering.

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Cults, the 3D printing platform

Welcome to Cults, the world’s leading independent website for 3D printer files. Discover and download the best 3D models for all your 3D printing & DIY projects.

Cults is a digital marketplace for 3D printing and design. Use our 3D model library to discover everything you can do with a 3D printer (FDM, SLA, DLP, SLS) event with CNC machining and laser cutting. You don’t know how to make a 3D file but you want to 3D print objects? Cults is for you! Browse our different categories and download the best 3D printer models for free, open-source or paid mode. The formats you can download are in STL, OBJ, 3MF, CAD, STEP, SCAD or DXF, DWG, SVG format, they are all 3D printable guaranteed or CNC compatible.

We are connecting 3D print files makers with people who want to use their 3D printer. Our 3D model repository acts as a real source of inspiration since the best designers share their best STL files daily to offer you their latest inventions!

On Cults you can also find a 3D printer nearby, get voucher codes to buy cheap 3D printers or filaments at best prices and also a whole series of 3D printing contests. Cults is a joyful community that brings together all 3D printing fans to dialogue and create together.

Commission system

You are a designer and you want to sell your 3D models optimized for 3D printing? Thanks to Cults you can earn money with your files STL, OBJ, CAD, 3MF, etc.! For each download, you will receive 80% of the net selling price (excluding VAT) via PayPal. Cults keeps 20% of commission which is used to finance bank fees (about 5%) and then all the costs related to the technical maintenance of the platform: hosting, bandwidth, accounting, email communications, translations, etc. There is no subscription system or fixed fee to pay. You sell, you win!

If you are still hesitating to share your models on Cults, feel free to read this article Why publish my designs on Cults? List of advantages and benefits to get an idea.

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