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Why is Cults banned from the r/3DPrinting Reddit thread?



Why is Cults banned from the r/3DPrinting Reddit thread?

The reasons

When Cults started we would often share Cults designs in the r/3DPrinting thread to promote the work of the best designers on our platform, especially for the designers who didn’t have the reflex to use Reddit. Since this was a kind of advertising for our website, the moderators asked us to stop, which we did.

Since then, designers have used r/3DPrinting to share links to their designs and also to bring up issues they had with We’re a growing site and we’ve made mistakes, but all of these issues have been resolved and the designers are happy with the outcome. We’re convinced that everything depends on exchange and dialogue, which is why we do our utmost to resolve any concerns directly and as quickly as possible with the designers themselves.

Unfortunately in one issue in December of 2021 we mistook a designer for a spammer and unintentionally shared their email address in a screenshot. You can read the full story and our apologies here. Even though the issue was resolved, the r/3DPrinting moderators decided to ban any link to Cults from the thread since. We have contacted the moderators before publishing this article and they have declined to list the reasons why we are still banned.

What we changed

As a small team, we are far from perfect and we make mistakes. But each time it has been a stepping stone to make sure we don’t repeat them. We took a good look at what happened when reports were not handled correctly and built tools to help us resolve future issues in a more efficient way.

For example we have completely changed our process to handle reports on designs. We have also set up a system of alerts to establish discussions with any member of the platform without the risk of ending in their spam box.

Now what?

Unfortunately the ban is still in place and it is still impossible to share a link to Cults on the r/3DPrinting thread.

Although we find it is unfair to penalize designers for mistakes over two years ago, we respect the moderators’ decisions. Until the situation changes we can only apologize that you are suffering the consequences of our blunders.

We also feel it’s important to mention the incredible number of designers who are very happy to use Cults. We’re happy to be the first independent platform, enabling many designers to earn a living by selling their 3D files every month.

Other communities

As users and designers, you can of course find and share great designs on the r/Cults3D 3D printing Reddit thread, as well as on many other 3D printing communities on the web.

Keep on making and sharing!

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